Oct. 5, 2014 - A Day at a Time

The Serenity Prayer
A Day at a Time
Sunday, Oct. 5, 2014

Reflection for the Day
Soon after I came to The Program, I found a Higher Power whom I choose to call God. I've come to believe that He has all power; if I stay close to Him and do His work well, He provides me not with what I think I want, but with what I need. Gradually, I'm becoming less interested in myself and my little schemes; at the same time, I'm becoming more interested in seeing what I can contribute to others and to life.

As I become more conscious of God's presence, am I beginning to lose my self-centered fears?

Today I Pray
May I see that the single most evident change in myself - beyond my own inner sense of peace - is that I have come out from behind my phony castle walls, dropped the drawbridge that leads into my real village and crossed it. I am back among people again, interested in them, caring what happens to them. May I find my joy here in this peopled reality, now that I have left behind those old self-protective fears and illusions of my own uniqueness.

Today I Will Remember
What is life without people?

Hazelden Foundation

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