April 14, 2016 - Readings in Recovery: Step by Step

The Serenity Prayer
Step by Step
Thursday, April 14, 2016

Today, Step Four to identify destructive and good character components, although this alone is insufficient. I also need to understand the reason for them, especially the bad, so that the behavior will not trigger actions of my character defects. It is not enough to say I am sorry that I thought ill of my father and that I failed to respect him. I need to ask why I did not respect him. Was I so selfish that I blamed him when he didn't get me the new car when I got my driver's license, or was it because he beat me when he was drunk - which might have been a lot? Similarly, if I identify a positive character trait, why do I think it is good? Is it because I sincerely want to be good or is it because I expect something in return, a marker to be called in down the road? Today, if I take my Fourth, I will try to understand it is not enough to name and ask my higher power to take away my character defects and hold onto the good without first knowing the reasons for them. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M., 2016

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