July 2, 2016 - Readings in Recovery: A Day at a Time

The Serenity Prayer
A Day at a Time
Saturday, July 2, 2016
Reflection for the Day
During our days of active addiction, many of us displayed almost dazzlingly fertile powers of imagination. In no time at all, we could dream up more reasons - or, excuses - for pursuing our addictions than most people use for all other purposes in their entire lives. When we first come to The Program, our once-imaginative minds seem to become lethargic and even numb. "Now what do I do?" many of us wonder. Gradually, however, the lethargy disappears. We begin learning to live and become turned on to life in ways that we never dreamed possible.
Am I finding that I can now enjoy activities that I wouldn't even consider in the old days?
Today I Pray
May God give me a new surge of energy directed toward "turning on to life" rather than making excuses for not handling my responsibilities. May He allow my out-of-order imagination to be restored - not to the buzzing over-activity of my compulsive days, but to a healthy openness to life's boundless possibilities.
Today I Will Remember
Turn on to life.
Hazelden Foundation

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