July 4, 2016 - Readings in Recovery: A Day at a Time

A Day at a Time
Monday, July 4, 2016
Reflection for the Day
It's time for me to start being responsible for my own actions. It's time for me to be willing to take some chances. If my new life in The Program is valid and right, as I truly believe, then surely it can stand the test of exposure to real-life situations and problems. So I won't be afraid to be human and, if necessary, to sometimes fall on my face in the process of living. Living is what The Program is all about. And living entails sharing, accepting, giving - interacting with other people. Now is the time for me to put my faith into action.
Have I begun to practice what I preach by putting my new thoughts and ideas into action?
Today I Pray
May The Program, with God's help, give me a chance to live a steady, creative, out-reaching life, so that I may share with others what has been given to me. May I realize on this Declaration of Independence Day that I, too, have a celebration of freedom - freedom from my addiction.
Today I Will Remember
To celebrate my personal freedom.
Hazelden Foundation

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