Sept. 15, 2016 - Addiction and Recovery: A Day at a Time

A Day at a Time
Thursday, Sept. 15, 2016

Reflection for the Day
No one welcomes pain with open arms, but it does have its uses. Just as physical pain serves as a warning that we may be suffering a bodily illness, so can emotional pain be a useful sign that something is wrong - as well as a warning that we need to make a change. When we can meet pain without panic, we can learn to deal with the cause of the hurt, rather than running away as we did when we were actively addicted.

Can I bear some emotional discomfort? Am I less fragile than I once had believed?

Today I Pray
I pray I may be better able to face hurt or pain, now that I am getting to know reality - good and bad. I sincerely pray that the super-sensitivity of my addictive days will disappear, that people will not feel they must treat me like blown glass, which could shatter at a puff of criticism.

Today I Will Remember
Throw away my stamp: "Fragile Handle With Care."

Hazelden Foundation

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