April 23, 2020 - Reidings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

Thursday, April 23, 2020
Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:
To have more, desire less. — Anonymous
So many of us are caught up in such a busy pace of life that we feel we don’t have time for the basic things like dinner with our family, time to talk to our intimate partner, or quiet time to unwind and reflect. What is the problem? Often the problem is that we are caught in a never-ending search for more material things than our income can comfortably afford. In modern life, we are daily subjected to well-crafted advertising that tells us we would be happy if we bought another alluring item. Turning aside from those seductions, deciding we can live more comfortably if we seek happiness elsewhere, frees us from that demanding cycle.
If we examine our desires, we will quickly recognize that we already have enough material goods. Happiness, gratitude, and peace of mind will come from the abundance of our relationships and the knowledge that we are the kind of men we hope to be. We can limit our desires for more goods and free ourselves from the feeling that we don’t have enough.
Today, I will remind myself that I have enough. I am grateful for the abundance in my life.
Hazelden Foundation

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