June 1, 2020 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

Monday, June 1, 2020
Today‘s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:
We have all known people in our lives who supported us when we were most in need of their assistance. We knew we could count on them—not in some codependent way, where they just continued to let us stay stuck in damaging addictive patterns, but by lending us a hand up to help us out of the mire of self-destructive behaviors.
Often, we did not acknowledge them for their important aid or for their actions that made a difference in our lives, because they were so reliable. Not only are such people ongoing good role models, but they can also inspire us to embody this important quality ourselves. This quality of being a reliable helper is not limited to teachers, health care professionals, or family. We are lifted up by the many individuals in the world who work with integrity and consistently do their job well. Their reliability is what enables the world to function, from the person who grew the food we ate this morning, to the mechanic who worked on our car, to the individual who made our clothes, to the person interviewing us for a job we really want.
I honor those whose reliability assists me in everyday tasks, as well as those who lifted me from the abyss.
Hazelden Foundation

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