June 30, 2020 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:
Compassion is the ability to see how it is. — Ram Dass
Compassion means caring about other people. When we remember to ask others how it is for them—right now—that is compassion. We listen. We “Live and let live.” We keep on caring. We try to understand. We accept.
As compassionate people we accept each other, even though we all see things in different ways. We have different ideas about spirituality, family life, and politics. We have different things happening in our lives that bring us joy or pain. We are in different times of our lives—being students, being parents, being together with another person, being alone, learning what to do with our strength and energy, or learning how to survive our weakness and depression.
When we see these differences, we learn to give to others when we can. We learn to ask for help when we need it. We learn to listen to others, to be there for them. And we learn to share our troubles and let them be there for us. That’s how compassion works.
Prayer for the Day
Higher Power, let me be there for others today with compassion. Help me to treat others with the same dignity and compassion that you treat me.
Today’s Action
When I hear about other people’s troubles today, I will really listen, treat them with compassion, and say a little prayer for them.
Hazelden Foundation

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