Oct. 1, 2020 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Thursday, Oct. 1, 2020

Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

Everyone needs a sanctuary, yet few take time to create one. Many people have favorite spots in the natural external world they enjoy visiting, places where they renew themselves, such as a garden, beach, or forest path. For others it might be a city sculpture garden, a cozy library nook, or a tranquil cafe. Even a pen, a journal, and a quiet place might suffice for some.

We just need to turn off everything else! We can also use our creative imagination to build and enjoy an inner haven that is extremely calming and empowering. The setting and overall structures may be anywhere, with any special features or chambers we might want to conceive. Perhaps there is a waterfall where we can allow whatever quality we need at the moment to penetrate every cell of our being. Maybe there is a healing grotto, a wisdom altar, or a gazebo where our Higher Power or other guides offer advice on dilemmas.

When we take the time to slow down and go within, we discover that we are both architect and interior designer of our sanctuary. We determine how grand and elaborate, or simple and cozy, our place of calm and peace needs to be. Our sanctuary—inner, outer, or a combination of both—is our own personalized, private enclave of possibility.

I see the enormous potential in establishing a sanctuary—inside and outside—for myself.

Hazelden Foundation

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