Oct. 29, 2020 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020

Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

Rather than getting lost in lofty philosophical discussions, we can look around us for examples of loyalty. What does it really mean to be trustworthy, steady, and reliable in our daily lives? What cause, country, group, or person inspires us to be devoted—far beyond casual interest—with wholehearted commitment? Who is really deserving of our loyalty, worthy of our ongoing willingness to be in their corner, to be tight and remain bonded with them, no matter what is happening?

Dogs embody what it means to be loyal. With their attentive presence, willingness to serve, and protective spirit, they often place themselves in danger for our benefit. They remind us to accept less than perfection and to make allowances for human weakness.

The fierce commitment and respect inherent in loyalty can infuse our daily actions with an unshakable determination to keep revisiting the Ninth Step, to continue making amends, because we can finally be loyal to our highest values and self. With loyalty comes trust. Trust develops over time and is continually reinforced by honesty. Those we have harmed may take some time before they trust us again. Some never will. Either way, we continue to be true to ourselves.

I will look all around me to learn from the profound gifts of everyday loyalty.

Hazelden Foundation

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