Feb. 20, 2022 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Sunday, Feb. 20, 2022

Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

There’s a rhythm to flying, and it’s the rhythm of the universe. — William Steig

Nature has a lot to teach us. One of these lessons is to stop trying to control everything and “Let go and let God.” Think of a flock of geese flying in a V-formation. What a beautiful sight! How do you think all those geese know what to do? It’s all in the rhythm of the universe.

How does a seed know when to sprout? How do our hearts know when to beat and our lungs know when to breathe? It’s all in the rhythm of the universe.

We each have a rhythm to our lives. We lost it somewhere along the way — perhaps in our active addiction, perhaps earlier. When we move too fast, we waste a lot of energy. When we move too slow, we miss out. But when we make the decision to put our life and our will into the care of our Higher Power, we will find the right rhythm for us. We just let go, and the timing will come to us as we practice listening to the rhythm of our spirit.

Prayer for the Day

Higher Power, teach me to live like the geese fly, with grace and direction and with my friends.

Today’s Action

Today I will think of a time I tried to control things, when I had the timing all wrong. Then I will think of a time when everything went well, and the timing was perfect. What am I learning about rhythm and trust?

Hazelden Foundation

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