Sept. 29, 2022 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022

Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

Parallels between the Military and Recovery

Whenever I went outside the wire, I always knew that I had men to my left and right who were there fighting for me just as I was fighting for them. Down range, your unit’s cohesion is the thing that will accomplish the mission and keep you alive.

Recovery is not much different. Some of the words that are ever-present in the rooms of recovery are the ones that echo the sentiment that you never have to go through this alone again. You have people to your left and right who will go out into the world with you and fight for you if need be. That cohesion will accomplish that mission. And it will most certainly keep you alive.

So be grateful for the team that you have on both these battlefields. It’s a beautiful thing to know that you’re not alone when life shows up and things get real. It’s a godsend to have those people willing to fight for you just as you are a blessing to them for the very same reason.

Today I will make the conscious effort to be a present and active part of the team that might keep someone alive and bring them home safely.

Hazelden Foundation

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