Nov. 13, 2023 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Monday, Nov. 13, 2023

Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

Reflection for the Day

The longer I’m in recovery, the more clearly I see why it’s important for me to understand why I do what I do and say what I say. In the process, I’m coming to realize what kind of person I really am. I see now, for example, that it’s far easier to be honest with other people than with myself. I’m learning, also, that we’re all hampered by our need to justify our actions and words. The more I work my program, the more I understand the value of the program.

Have I taken an inventory of myself as suggested in the Twelve Steps? Have I admitted my faults to myself, to my Higher Power, and to another human being?

Today I Pray

May I not be stalled in my recovery process by the enormity of the program‘s Fourth Step — taking a moral inventory of myself — or by admitting these shortcomings to myself, to my Higher Power, and to another human being. May I know that honesty to myself about myself is all‑important.

Today I Will Remember

I cannot mend if I bend the truth.

Hazelden Foundation

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