Nov. 14, 2023 - Readings in Recovery: A Day at a Time


A Day at a Time

Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023

Reflection for the Day
First search for a little humility, my sponsor urged me. If you don’t, he said, you’re greatly increasing the risk of going “out there” again. After a while, in spite of my lifelong rebelliousness, I took his advice; I began to try to practice humility, simply because I believed it was the right thing to do. Hopefully, the day will come when most of my rebelliousness will be but a memory, and then I’ll practice humility because I deeply want it as a way of life.

Can I try, today, to leave my self behind – and to seek the humility of self-forgetfulness?

Today I Pray
Since I — like so many chemically or otherwise dependent people — am a rebel, may I know that I will need to practice humility. May I recognize that humility does not come easily to a rebellious nature, whether I am out-and-out defiant, dug-in negative or, more subtly, determined in a roundabout way to change everything else but myself. I pray that by practicing humility it will become instinctive for me.

Today I Will Remember
Get the humble habit.

Hazelden Foundation

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