June 19, 2024 - Readings in Recovery: A Day at a Time


A Day at a Time
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Reflection for the Day
The Program teaches us that only one consideration should qualify our desire to completely disclose the damage we’ve done. And that’s where a full revelation would seriously harm the one to whom we’re making amends. Or, just as important, other people. We can hardly unload a detailed account of extramarital misadventures, for example, on the shoulders of an unsuspecting wife or husband. When we recklessly make the burdens of others heavier, such actions surely can’t lighten our own burden. Sometimes, in that sense, “telling all” may be almost a self-indulgence for us. So in making amends, we should be tactful, sensible, considerate, and humble – without being servile.

As a child of God, do I stand on my feet and not crawl before anyone?

Today I Pray
May God show me that self-hatred has no role in making amends to others. Neither has the play-acting of self-indulgence. I ask most humbly for His guidance as I strive to maintain a mature balance in interpersonal relations, even in the most casual or fragile ones.

Today I Will Remember
Making amends is mending.

Hazelden Foundation

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