July 12, 2024 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Friday, July 12, 2024

Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

There is a need to discover we are capable of solitary joy and having experienced it, know that we have touched the core of self.

-- Barbara Lazear Ascher

To be alone with ourselves, undistracted by a friend's voice or TV or a good book, is not all that easy. We discover the joy of being and not always doing, when we make a commitment to go within and seek the support of our Higher Power.

We are nurtured in times of quiet solitude as, little by little, we come to know and love ourselves more. We find lasting joy deep within ourselves rather than in outward success, other people’s approval, or mood-altering drugs.

Deciding to leave our distractions for even a few moments will take courage; we may fear the unknown, certain that if we really get to know ourselves, we’ll discover we’re unlovable. Fear of the unknown is natural, but it lessens as we mature in our spiritual life. We are meant to know and love ourselves as we’re known and loved by God.

Today I will quietly go within and I will seek the self-assurance and joy that come from God.

Hazelden Foundation

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