Aug. 28, 2024 - Readings in Recovery: Step by Step


Step by Step
Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2024

I realize that all I’m guaranteed in life is today. The poorest person has no less and the wealthiest has no more — each of us has but one day. What we do with it is our own business; how we use it is up to us individually.” — Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, “They Lost Nearly All,” Ch 2 (“Promoted to Chronic”), p 473.

Todayfully understand and accept that all I have today is just that – today! Whether I have little to nothing, or all and more than I need materially, I am no less and no better than anyone because, in the end, all we take with us to our final chapters is ourselves. But, especially in recovery, I cannot foolishly look too far beyond the forest in my goal to achieve a landmark anniversary in recovery or any other goal; one of the trees in the forest could cold-cock me. Grant me wisdom and prudence to see first what is in front of me instead of beyond and what must be done to get me to the long-range destination. Today, I do with what I have — today. And our common journey continues. Step by step. — Chris M., 2024

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