Sept. 25, 2022 - Readings in Recovery: Today's Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation


Sunday, Sept. 25, 2022

Today’s Gift from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is:

Large streams from little fountains flow. — David Everett

Somewhere nearby, no matter where we are, runs a creek. We’ve seen plenty of them, narrow and rocky. In summer it’s hardly a creek at all, but in the spring, it feeds a mighty river.

Each of us is like that creek, a trickle contributing to some greater plan. Sometimes we feel dried up, contributing nothing. Often we feel small, rocky, not up to the task — when we can understand what the task is.

Sometimes the task seems too simple — get up each morning, love and work and live the day as honestly as we can. What kind of contribution is that? Sometimes it seems too complicated. How much more we could contribute if we could see the whole river — where it begins and ends — if we knew what would happen tomorrow.

So we ebb and flow. And in our moments of contentment, we know we are doing the best we can each day.

What contribution, however small, can I offer the world today?

Hazelden Foundation

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